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Saturday, August 21, 2010

I shouldn't have left you without a dope beat to step to...

It has been way too long since my last posting, but I am back.

I am convinced that change is not only possible but necessary. This applies to tiny things and vast things as well. Some change happens naturally: Caterpillars transform, babies cry and livings things age and die, but even these happenings began with an idea. God thought them up, and they were. While man as a species does not wield near the same power as God, we were created in his image. Our minds are idea-makers. Most ideas stem from a need or void of some kind, and ideas produce more ideas that can sometimes lead to unexpected results. For example, toil spurred ideas for the wheel which led to the horse and buggy which eventually made cars possible which spurred ideas for trains and flight that led to commercial travel which made leisure travel, long distance commuting and relocation widely obtainable which has altered the entire dynamic of the family as it pertains to location and distance.
How are you going to change the future? Just a thought. :) Feel free to post your flow of earth-shifting ideas!

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