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Monday, December 27, 2010

Loosen up and Look around

I understand people are busy. Life comes ceaselessly and without discretion.
You drive down the highway, and a determined woman keeps eyes forward and speeds up to block your lane change (just in case you were wondering if she saw you or not). Another still. Then a tired looking man waves you on. You think, "It's about time! I deserve to be let in! Rude people!" and then you continue your day. A little twitch in your shoulder tightens you up, but you don't notice. Did you ever stop to wonder why those people did what they did?
The first woman may be running late for an appointment to find out if her cancer is back. The second person may have just received their final notice on their home since they lost their job after being late one too many times for their child. The tired-looking man may be working 3 jobs to make ends meet for his family, and he let you go because he is feeling defeated.
We all stare forward and ignore AND give a tired gesture for another to go ahead of us. We must remember there are reasons we do this, and there are always reasons others do as well. So, when someone is rude, let it go. If it's not you, then just smile on. And when someone is kind, then just raise up your hand and give a gesture of gratitude. You never know the good it might do, and you might just save yourself from a pain in your neck.

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